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Welcome to the Scholarship Opportunities Homepage.

Below you will find a listing of scholarships available to students with brief information about the scholarship qualifications. To apply to scholarships which require an application, you must first sign in with the same user name and password you use to access the campus login portal. You will then have the opportunity to complete a general application and, if applicable, apply for specific scholarships.

Opportunities Table
Award Name Actions
$2,000.00 Murray State College Foundation Endowed Scholarship
The Murray State College Foundation Endowed Scholarship will be awarded...
$300.00 Murray State College Livestock Judging Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Murray State College Livestock Judging Scholarship is for students...
$1,500.00 Murray State College Nursing Freshman Endowed Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Nursing Freshman Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to pre-nursing...
$2,950.00 Murray State College Nursing Sophomore Endowed Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Nursing Sophomore Endowed Scholarship will be awarded to nursing...
$7,280.00 Murray State Leadership Academy
The Murray State College Leadership Class recognizes outstanding...
$1,000.00 Noble Agriculture Freshman Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Noble Agriculture Freshman Scholarship will be awarded to freshman...
$1,500.00 Noble Agriculture Sophomore Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Noble Agriculture Sophomore Scholarship will be awarded to sophomore...
$500.00 Noble Endowed Scholarship - Grigsby Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The John E. and Velma Grigsby Scholarship honors long-time Johnston...
$500.00 Noble Endowed Scholarship - Liberal Arts Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Liberal Arts Scholarship is awarded to freshman students who are...
$250.00 Noble Endowed Scholarship - Richard Shelton Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Richard Shelton Scholarship is awarded to freshman students with...
$500.00 Noble Endowed Scholarship - Shearer Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Shearer Scholarship is awarded to freshman students with high...
$500.00 Noble Endowed Scholarship - Soil Conservation Society of America Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Noble Endowed Scholarship – Soil Conservation Society of America...
$500.00 Noble Endowed Scholarship - Tom Shaw Sr. Agriculture Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Tom Shaw Sr. Agriculture Scholarship is restricted to freshmen...
$500.00 Noble Endowed Scholarship - Wallace Sullivan Athletic Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Wallace Sullivan Athletic Scholarship is awarded to freshmen varsity...
$2,000.00 Noble Foundation Endowed Scholarship - Veterinary Nursing Freshman Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Veterinary Nursing Noble Foundation/Murray State College Endowed...
$1,500.00 Noble Foundation Endowed Scholarship - Veterinary Nursing Sophomore Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Veterinary Nursing Noble Foundation/Murray State College Endowed...
$1,000.00 Tuition Waiver OACC Tuition Waiver
This scholarship is offered to students with high academic achievement...
$150.00 Outstanding Achievement Tuition Waiver
This award is given to students who show outstanding achievement either...
$500.00 Patty V. Norton Memorial Nursing Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Patty V. Norton Memorial Nursing Scholarship will be awarded to...
$500 Phi Theta Kappa Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Phi Theta Kappa scholarship will be awarded to a Freshman PTK...
$8,280.00 President’s Scholars Program
The President’s Scholars Program (PSP) is designed to offer an enriching...
$250.00 Tuition Waiver Rising Star Tuition Waiver
Tuition waiver offered to students that took courses at Murray State...
$1,000.00 Shaina Mansell Memorial Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Shaina Mansell Memorial Scholarship will be awarded to second year...
Tuition Waiver, Amount Varies Special Talent Tuition Waiver
Tuition waiver for students that demonstrate special talents in an area...
$840.00 Student Government Association Tuition Waiver
The Student Government Association Tuition Waiver will be provided to...
$250.00 The Aggie Alumni Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Aggie Alumni Scholarship will be awarded to first time freshman who...
$1,250.00 The Fred Chapman Jr. and William C. Chapman Family Endowed Freshman Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Fred Chapman Jr. and William C. Chapman Family Endowed Freshman...
$625.00 The Fred Chapman Jr. and William C. Chapman Family Endowed Sophomore Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Fred Chapman Jr. and William C. Chapman Family Endowed Sophomore...
$1,100.00 The William D. Pennington Presidential Endowed Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The William D. Pennington Presidential Endowed Scholarship will be...
$7,800.00 Thelma and Arthur Maguire Endowed Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Thelma and Arthur Maguire Endowed Scholarship was established by...
$5,000.00 Thomas Family Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The Thomas Family Scholarship will be awarded to a Tishomingo High...
$1,000.00 Tuition Waiver Valedictorian Salutatorian Tuition Waiver
Tuition Waiver for students who finished high school as a Valedictorian...
$2,000.00 William P. Willis Scholarship
The Oklahoma State Regents’ William P. Willis Scholarship provides...
$1,000.00 William R. and Billie Dean Buckles Endowed Scholarship (Murray State College Foundation)
The William R. and Billie Dean Buckles Endowed Scholarship Fund will be...
$223.00 Ashley Dawn Scholarship
The Ashley Dawn Scholarship will be awarded to a parent returning to...